If you’ve been reading my monthly column here for the last year, or for the last several years on the Denver Astronomical Society’s site, you might have noticed that I’ve taken a break…
Don’t worry–while the planets move across the sky from week to week, the stars keep more or less the same positions from each other year after year (you’d need some expensive astronomical instruments to tell the difference). That means that if you’re looking for good targets in August (or September, or October…), you can hit the Astronomical Society’s archived pages.
You’ll find four years of columns, from 2015 to 2019, so there will be four “Augusts” for you to peruse (and of course, four Septembers, and so on…). There’s enough material there for a book. (As it happens, I’m working on that right now!)
The archived PDF files from 2015 to the end of 2018 are linked HERE.
More recent, WordPress-based articles, from January 2019 to May 2019, are HERE. (I recently edited noted astronomy writer Jeff Kanipe’s article on observing in the Southern Hemisphere, “Five Nights in the Magellanic Clouds,” and you’ll find that there, too!)