Brilliant ISS Pass over Denver, 10-8-19!

Chart of ISS path across Denver, Colorado sky, 7:30 PM, 10-8-19
Chart of International Space Station (ISS) pass through Denver, Colorado’s local sky on Tuesday, 10-8-19. The ISS will be directly overhead around 7:34 PM. Click on image to enlarge. (Image plotted in SkySafari, and optimized in Photoshop.)

If you’re in the Denver area Tuesday, October 8, 2019, get outside and look for the International Space Station (ISS) just after 7:30 PM. We’ll have a brilliant, close pass as the ISS flies almost directly overhead, about 250 miles above us.

The space station will rise in our northwest at 7:29, becoming visible shortly after. It gains height above our horizon slowly at first, appearing just 14° up at 7:32, Continue reading “Brilliant ISS Pass over Denver, 10-8-19!”